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Медицинские журналы
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
- издание Международного общества Пластических и Эстетических Хирургов (ISAPS – International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery),
также является официальным журналом Европейской ассоциации общества эстетической пластической хирургии (EASAPS), Индийской ассоциации эстетических пластических хирургов (IAAPS) и общества Бразильских пластических хирургов (SBCP).
Журнал основан в 1976 г.
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery is the official journal of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery.
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery provides a forum for original articles advancing the art of aesthetic plastic surgery. Many describe surgical craftsmanship; others deal with complications in surgical procedures and methods by which to treat or avoid them. Coverage includes "second thoughts" on established techniques, which might be abandoned, modified, or improved. Also included are case histories; improvements in surgical instruments, pharmaceuticals, and operating room equipment; and discussions of problems such as the role of psychosocial factors in the doctor-patient and the patient-public interrelationships.

Ирина Геннадьевна